American Football in Europe: Touchdown Across the Pond

As we all know by now, “football” means two different things to the American and European sports fan, and casual observers in the continent have made remarks of how unusual the game is in their eyes. In Britain, for instance, it has been seen by some as a comically less violent version of rugby (to be completely fair, rugby is violent enough as it is).

However, this unfamiliarity hasn’t stopped the game from gaining a foothold in Europe. The game they call gridiron has cultivated a robust fanbase in what was traditionally a soccer-obsessed region, with enough fans creating a thriving American football scene across several European countries. Exhibition matches between teams have resulted in incredible turnouts, such as a sold-out match between the Dallas Cowboys and the Jacksonville Jaguars at Wimbledon Stadium.


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And the Europeans are not just mere spectators. Teams, governed by organizations like the European Federation of American Football, have emerged across several countries in the continent which face off in competitions like the Eurobowl and the European Championship.


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For organizers, Europe is still a major region for expansion. The demand is high enough that the National Football League (NFL), itself one of the main promoters of the sport in that corner of the world, has considered re-establishing a franchise in London. The NFL has previously supported a full-on branch in Europe, with teams playing from Germany and the Netherlands up until 2007.

This fanbase did not escape the attention of dedicated followers from the other side of the pond, though not a few of them look with amusement at the creative names adopted by the gridiron fans in Europe. The names of the many football teams in Europe often reflect the region’s history and cultural legacy, with a few of them, such as the Waterloo Warriors, being somewhat tongue-in-cheek in their naming.

Jason Goldblatt here. For more updates on all things football, follow me on Twitter.

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