Strong and Old: Sports for the Elderly

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Aging doesn’t have to mean saying farewell to an active lifestyle. Although most contact sports are hard to do when one is past his prime, there are still some sports that can cater to senior citizens. Here are some sports that are perfect for the elderly:


Swimming is one of the best choices for a sport in for seniors. Being in the pool and submerged underwater helps relieve arthritis and other bodily pains. It removes the strain on the muscles and bones, plus it’s a good exercise. Whether doing laps around the pool or just simply dog paddling, swimming is a good way for elders to stay fit and strong.


Golf is a sport with a lot of walking involved. Walking is essential for seniors to keep physically fit and gold gives walking a purpose. Trade a walk in the park for a game of golf to have fun and exercise the body.

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Riding bikes have a lot of physical benefits regardless of age. It’s a good cardio workout, tones the muscles, and is an overall body exercise. Seniors can join groups (of their own age, of course) that do long-distance cycling. Otherwise, biking to and from their house to the store or just simply touring the neighborhood is enough to give the elderly a workout.

Hi there! I’m Jason Goldblatt and I’m a sports enthusiast. Learn more about sports for all ages by subscribing to my blog

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